Monday, September 10, 2018

Summer Task 3

Image result for front cover of the daily mail

Summer Task 3: Representation

Newspapers love to have a front cover that will cause arguments. This front cover of the Daily Mail proves how journalists find a story to influence the thought processes and opinions of anyone who lets them be swayed by the media. 
The use of the imperative "GIVE" proves how the Daily Mail is not bothered by having a strict opinion on an argumentative subject. Furthermore, by using the subject of children, it relates to vulnerability and innocence. Contrasting to the fact that there is no trust in the migrants that come over from Calais. The migrant society has been made to look negative in the newspaper as many stories have shown how many older migrants are violent and abusive towards the English trying to get back into England from the ports (e.g. Calais). From experiencing this abusive manner myself, I know how the migrants can get carried away with their actions. However, I also know how there are many children who get crammed into tiny corners on lorries just to get past all of the border security. This newspaper cover clearly wants the reader to think about the children and how some may possibly be lying. 
By the front cover title being big and bold, it draws attention to each character and therefore the reader pays more attention to what it says as it will stay in their subconscious memory for a period of time until something more important comes along. 
This representation is clearly more negative than positive as it is questioning the age of the "child migrants". This adds doubt to allowing migrants into our country and so when this topic comes up again on the news, readers will remember this story and how they should doubt the migrants that are able/allowed to come over. 
In addition to this, by the ex-Home Secretary saying this, more people will take notice as it is someone of somewhat importance. 


Comparing Are You Beach Body Ready with This Girl Can...

Are You Beach Body Ready ad:

This Girl Can ad:

As you can see by watching both of these advertisements, they completely contrast each other and what they represent.
Although both of the videos show women, the Are You Beach Body Ready advertisement shows pretty, young women rather than a mixture of various generations and looks like the women in the This Girl Can advertisement.
The Are You Beach Body Ready advertisement shows women relying on protein boost (as well as weight loss pills) to go to the gym and it also shows them laughing, smiling and having fun. This advertisement is not realistic as none of the women are working up a sweat and it all looks to fake. Some may say that the video implies that only young, pretty women can be beach body ready as there are no other generations portrayed amongst the young women.
On the other hand, the This Girl Can advertisement clearly shows all different ages, sizes and shapes of women taking part in exercise. This video is more realistic and therefore allows people watching to relate to the intensity that a woman works during sport/exercise. By showing different generations of women, it influences women around the world in a positive manner to continue working against all of the stereotyping that gets labelled onto women/the female gender in general. The video shows feminine power and unity which is why it is a much better representation for women around the world than the Are You Beach Body Ready advertisement.
The Are You Beach Body Ready advertisement does not show people of any disability, therefore possibly implying to people watching that the disabled cannot be "beach body ready". But, the advertisement does show people of other races and so can encourage people of all ethnicities.
The This Girl Can advertisement conforms with all watchers as during the video, people of different ethnicities, age and disabilities are all portrayed as working hard and determined. This really encourages women to participate.

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