Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Jean Baudrillard - Post Modernism theory + application of usefulness

Baudrillard's theory:

- The idea that in postmodern culture, the boundaries between the 'real' world and the world of the media have collapsed and that it is no longer possible to distinguish between reality and simulation.
- The idea that in a postmodern age of simulacra, we are immersed in a world of images which no longer refer to anything 'real'.
- The idea that media images have come to seem more 'real' than the reality they supposedly represent (hyper reality).

This theory relates to the fact that in the media, they influence an idea of historical context which they try to apply to modern day society. For example, the portrayal of women in the media may be that they are supposed to be in the kitchen and/or stay at home to look after the kids.

Applications to:

One man's (very polite) fight against media Islamophobia | News ...

TV Drama:

Stranger Things:
Intertextuality is used when referring to the board game that is shown in the first episode - Dungeons and Dragons. Due to this, it aids in referencing the time period that the drama is set in (the 80's). The use of significant effects in the series aids in creating a supernatural/mysterious outlook which emphasises the hyperreality.

Deutschland '83:

Usefulness in...

Baudrillard's theory is not as useful when applying it to newspapers as there is not much to talk about in relation to hyperreality. Newspapers tend to give more informative text/factual and objective information (as well as some subjective). therefore, it is a lot harder to link any news stories/topics with the audience finding it hard to determine what is real and what is fantasy.

TV Drama:
Baudrillard's theory is more useful when talking about tv drama's. However, it is not applicable to D83 due to the fact that D83 is very factual and links to the real occurrences in the 1980's in Germany (East and West). On the other hand, the theory can be applied to ST because ST has a more supernatural (and therefore, fantasy/sci-fi) genre. This allows the audience to be able to see things that are real against the things that aren't. For example, Eleven is a normal, young girl in 'care' until you see her powers. Amongst the setting of the 1980's Hawkins (Indiana), it seems like her powers are real.

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Jean Baudrillard - Post Modernism theory + application of usefulness

Baudrillard's theory: - The idea that in postmodern culture, the boundaries between the 'real' world and the world of the medi...