Monday, September 10, 2018

LIAR application


Language: camera-music-editing (e.g.costumes, props, lighting, actors etc.)
Industry: (e.g. Adidas)
Audience: who's it targeting?
Representation: who (e.g. class, age, gender, ethnicity etc.)-what (e.g.message, place etc.)

Applying LIAR to the video above:

L: The music adds affect to how the two actors are brothers and it relates to how brothers would act. The editing shows the parts of their relationship that can be relatable to families around the world. Using a coke bottle as a prop shows off the brand to people watching the advertisement so it is a good way of selling themselves. The repeated colours of red, white and blue add to the fact that Coca Cola originates from America.
I: Coca Cola
A: It targets people of various generations as people with siblings can relate to how an older sibling would react towards their younger sibling.
R: A main representation from this advertisement is unity as the older brother comes to his siblings' side when there are bullies. It is sending the message that families do care for one another, they may not show it at times however they do.

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