Thursday, September 13, 2018

Summer Task 2

Summer Task 2: Media Language

Deutschland 83 Trailer

The historical context of the trailer is that it is about the Cold War where there was a political divide between the East and the West. There was never a large scale fight between the two sides but in at least two occasions the world came close to a fully nuclear World War 3.
From the beginning of the trailer for Deutschland 83, dramatic and quick tempo music is played to add the element of adrenaline. This relates to how soldiers in the war feel adrenaline from their surroundings and so by using this music through the video, it allows the watchers heart rate to go up, making them more excited and waiting in anticipation to watch the rest of the trailer
At the start of the trailer, a split screen is used however some may say that it has an ambiguous meaning. This is because the line in the middle of the screen could represent the divide between the East and the West or it could just be showing the two different sides of war, with the firing of a rocket and the marching of soldiers as a unit. Further on in the video, there is another split screen. On the East side, it shows someone at work with a job today and he is focused as he is looking hard at the controls in front of him. However, on the West side, the main character is standing in front of a market of fruit possibly emphasising how there is a larger amount of things to do as he has moved to a new location.
Another split screen is used to show the two opposing sides of how the main character has to live. This Addams intrigue to the trailer as it presents mystery and so the audience feel anticipation for what he could possibly have to do as a spy and soldier.
The camera quality at the beginning of the split screens seems to be of worse quality than to what we have in the modern day, therefore this adds to the fact that this series is set in a historical time period that has already happened, where the technology was not as advanced.
During the video, there is a scene where gère is a stern looking woman holding a gun at the main character who coincidently is a man. This stereotypically goes against what women were supposed to be like during that historical time period and consequently, this emphasises further mystery to the series.
The very frequent changing of scenes, settings and angles of the camera, entice audiences of all ages as the tv series not only shows a historical theme, but also an action/adventure theme which may appeal to the younger generation.
As the trailer nears the end, the backgrounds music becomes a more dramatic and builds up even more to finish and perfect creating that build up of tension that the audience crave when watching a new tv series trailer.

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