Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Mise En Scene

Mise En Scene

(put in scene)(place on stage)

Costume - can signify certain individuals, can show time period etc.
Lighting - high, medium, low etc.
Actors - movements, blocking, positioning, expressions etc.
Makeup - to make someone look older or younger
Props - weapons, items etc.
Setting - external, internal, weather, daylight, month, time etc.

Some notes from the lesson:

> set dressing
> texture
> lighting is important for movies
> 3 point lighting - fill, key, back
> high key/low key lighting
> highlights/shadows
> chiaroscuro
> hard lighting/soft lighting
> mood (of scene)
> ambient lighting
> unmotivated lighting/motivated lighting
> natural lighting
> colour - black/white = cheaper
> tinting - sepia tone = dusty
> colour grading - adjusts saturation
> colour palette
> space (within the frame) - balance, shallow space, off screen space
> different types of space (e.g. linear, asymmetric, round etc.)

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