Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Ghost Ship


DI: The movie begins with a romantic setting of many couples on a cruise and everyone enjoying themselves. There is a female singer in a flamboyant red dress singing to all o the cruise and her voice is being projected all over the ship using speakers. Set in 1962 - Italian ocean liner.

S: The setting is a large, expensive cruise ship floating on the ocean during the night/evening time.

T: The opening scene of the movie seems to be a romantic theme however once the music begins to change and the camera scenes change, the theme turns to horror. Also sadness is shown.

I: There are many props throughout this opening scene. For example: a microphone and stage for the singer to show how expensive this cruise is, tables with luxurious food and candles on them to show how this cruise has many rich/wealthy people aboard, a game that the little girl is playing with, clean and white sailor hats to show the professional side to the sailors but most importantly, there is a long metal wire as a prop. This metal wire is a significant prop as it is the prop that makes the audience concerned once the music begins to fade/change.

N: The story is told throughout the length of the song that the female in the red dress is singing. At the beginning of the song, the camera angles and movement show how everyone is enjoying themselves and they all look fairly wealthy and of a high status. However, nearer the middle/end of the song, it shows how the dances are coming to an end, almost like everyone's lives as very soon after, most of the people aboard the ship die from being sliced in half by a metal wire.

C: There are many characters during these opening scenes however, the camera focuses a lot on two characters that some may presume are main characters. The female singer in the red dress has a lot of screen time in the opening scene as well as the young girl all dressed up. Due to this much screen time, attention is drawn to the young girl and how she acts before and after the deaths of hundreds of people right in front of her eyes.

T: The camera quality has an added effect on it to make it look like it is in the olden days (1962). Furthermore, long shots have been used a lot to emphasise the mass of wealth aboard the very large cruise ship.


C: Formal suits and dresses are the main costumes other than clean, white sailor suits.

L: The lighting is unsaturated and romantic looking to show the current mood of the atmosphere.

A: Everyone in the opening scene are full grown adults with the exception of the young girl who begins by sitting on her own playing.

M: There is only makeup on the women and the singer to show the maturity and femininity of the females on board.

P: There are a lot of flowers spread around the cruise creating the image of nature and beauty which completely contradicts how their is later death and blood everywhere.

S: The setting is on a large cruise ship. The exterior of the boat is shown and also the interior is shown as very flamboyant and elegant by the mass of camera angles.


M: The music begins very soft and elegant however it then turns to more dramatic.

C: The music is parallel throughout the opening scene as everyone is happy when the music is soft but when the music begins to change, so does the mood of the atmosphere on the ship.

D: The sound begins as diegetic as the singer sings however, it turns to non diegetic when the deaths occur.

O: There is a lot of both offscreen and onscreen. There is a lot of offscreen sound when there is a large pan of the cruise ship's exterior and the woman is still heard singing however, there are also scenes where the woman is in the scene and you can visually see her singing.

V: There are no voiceovers.

E: The sound creates the emotions of love, sadness, shock and horror.

D: There is a lack of dialogue to emphasise how the audience should be watching the movements throughout each scene and so when the wire is shown, it allows them to focus on the visual rather than the verbal.


S: The singer and the young girl have the most screentime which could imply that these are the main/important characters.

T: There are smooth transitions through to each scene to represent how the evening is/was going smoothly.

O: The order of narrative is in chronological order as all of the events that happen on the screen happen in that order.

P: There is a slow pace throughout which is ambiguous as it could represent the age of the people there as they cannot move as fast as a younger person or it could represent the slow flow of the ocean beneath them.

S: There are no added special effects however the camera does zoom into the metal wire to create an idea of importance.

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