Friday, November 16, 2018

Comparing front covers

Image result for the sun front coverImage result for the guardian front cover

The Sun: 

The front cover/main story for this tabloid newspaper is about a famous professional footballer called Wayne Rooney. This story includes the news values of an elite person and also the story is unambiguous.  By using a famous person on the front cover, it appeals to the younger generation, particularly if they are into football.
The intended audience for this newspaper are younger adults/ people of the ages between about 30 and 40. This is because the newspaper includes a large sized sport section as a main story and also there is celebrity news and gossip along the side of the newspaper. Therefore, the older generations may not want to read this because of all of the younger celebs included.
This is quite a negative article because the facial expressions on most of the celebs featured look sad or moody and so this automatically creates a feeling of negativity.

The Guardian:
The front cover/main story for this broadsheet newspaper is about the death of two young children. This story includes the news values of threshold as it is a hard-hitting story which really can affect some people who have experienced the same thing, unexpectedness as it is an abnormal story, negativity as it is not a happy story, personalisation because it includes 'real' people who are involved in the story and finally, proximity because it is quite close to home as it is about a family situation. This broadsheet contains a lot more news values than a tabloid does.
The intended audience for this newspaper is more likely to be people who have a family of their own/older generations. This is because the story is mainly about young children so people who would be affected most by this would be parents who have young children. Also, this newspaper is very informative as there is a larger ratio of text to images rather than a tabloid where there is more pictures.
This is also a fairly negative story. One of the children in the main image has a facial expression of sadness however the other one looks fairly happy as he is smiling. Therefore, you can tell by the negative tone of the headline that this is a negative article.

Image result for daily mail

Above is an example of a mid market tabloid. The Daily Mail is a fairly popular newspaper which is neither a tabloid nor a broadsheet.

The front cover/main story of this newspaper is about social websites affecting the brains of children. This story includes the news values of this story is threshold, negativity, proximity and continuity. Continuity is a value in this article as social websites are always being talked about as negative/detrimental for children or anyone.
This is a negative article as it talks about the harming of children and their body parts. By having this as a front cover it makes the audience feel like they want to know the rest of the story and how it has become the front page of a newspaper.

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