Monday, March 25, 2019


Paper 1 Section B: Media Language and Representation

4 questions on news

  • Old Spice
  • Lucozade
  • Shelter (charity advert)

Marketing can be defined as the process of promoting a media text to potential audiences.
Marketing aims to:
  • create awareness of a film's release.
  • create interest in the film itself.
  • generate desire to see the film and action in the purchasing of a cinema ticket.
Ultimately, the purpose of marketing is the importance of audience figures and profits and gauging the commercial success of a media product.

The 4 P's of marketing:
  • Price.
  • Promotion.
  • Product.
  • Placement.

What is the Medias USP?

Structural features of adverts:
  • Copy.
  • Slogan.
  • Logo.
  • Central image.
  • Typography.
  • Brand identity.

Analysing an advert...
  • Aim of the print advert?
  • Denotation and connotation.
  • Media language - camera shot(FAM), mise en scene (CLAMPS), typography, editing.
  • Representation of males/females.
  • Representation of themes.
  • Representation of brands.
  • Psychology - which human needs is it satisfying?
Don't forget about camera - image.
(FAM - frame, angle, movement)

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