Thursday, March 28, 2019

Lucozade advert analysis

Lucozade sport:

See the source image
  • Gareth Bale is represented as strong and powerful - facial expressions, colour scheme etc.
  • Gareth Bale stats - how Lucozade has improved him.
  • The drink itself stands out in the bottom right-hand corner of the advert - shows logo - swoosh - direction of flow - Lucozade = better than etc.
  • In a different league - better than anything else.
  • Scientifically proven.
  • YES.
  • Do you believe?
Information on context etc....
  • Created 1927 as Glucozade - meant to give energy to the sick.
  • Renamed Lucozade in 1929.
  • 1983 rebranded as a sports drink rather than a health drink.
  • Lots of sponsorship deals with various sports.
  • Lucozade sport is its No1 drink.
  • £4 million campaign.
  • Agency = Grey London.
  • GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare - owners of Lucozade in January 2013.
  • Lucozade sold to Suntory in September 2013 for £1.35 billion.
  • Ad stars: Gareth Bale and Alex Oxlade Chamberlain.
  • Campaign banned in January 2014 by ASA as it failed to show that it only had benefit during prolonged exercise.

Consumerism - the total value of the soft drinks market in the UK is around £15 billion.
Celebrity culture - capitalising on star appeal/star as commodity.

Monday, March 25, 2019


Paper 1 Section B: Media Language and Representation

4 questions on news

  • Old Spice
  • Lucozade
  • Shelter (charity advert)

Marketing can be defined as the process of promoting a media text to potential audiences.
Marketing aims to:
  • create awareness of a film's release.
  • create interest in the film itself.
  • generate desire to see the film and action in the purchasing of a cinema ticket.
Ultimately, the purpose of marketing is the importance of audience figures and profits and gauging the commercial success of a media product.

The 4 P's of marketing:
  • Price.
  • Promotion.
  • Product.
  • Placement.

What is the Medias USP?

Structural features of adverts:
  • Copy.
  • Slogan.
  • Logo.
  • Central image.
  • Typography.
  • Brand identity.

Analysing an advert...
  • Aim of the print advert?
  • Denotation and connotation.
  • Media language - camera shot(FAM), mise en scene (CLAMPS), typography, editing.
  • Representation of males/females.
  • Representation of themes.
  • Representation of brands.
  • Psychology - which human needs is it satisfying?
Don't forget about camera - image.
(FAM - frame, angle, movement)

Friday, March 22, 2019

The Big Issue essay

Question 5 Explain how the representations in magazines reflect their contexts. Refer to The Big Issue covers you have studied to support your answer. [10]
In the majority of The Big Issue covers, they have many things in common. For example, there are normally lots of bright and bold colours to draw the reader's/audience's attention. The covers are eye-catching with usually one main person on the cover. The Big Issue likes to challenge political topics like Trump and the Tories or even topics like poverty and homelessness. The magazines are always playing around with their words, creating puns in order to make the audience be intrigued in the ambiguous story titles. Furthermore, celebrities and well-known people are always doing interviews for The Big Issue which aids in attracting younger people. One of the biggest things that The Big Issue does is intertextuality. The term intertextuality refers to the process of creating references to any kind of media text via another media text. There is a lot of intertextuality between political issues and entertainment themes in a lot of the magazines. For example, in some of The Big Issue magazines, the people on the front cover may be holding a The Big Issue magazine, further advertising the brand. This aids in influencing people to read further into the magazine.The two magazines below have similarities and differences. Each one represents certain aspects of The Big Issue and what they aim to contain in their magazines. For both magazines, there is evidently an aspect of entertainment. On the left cover, the entertainment is shown by the use of a character from a new film that came out about an icon in history. On the right cover, the entertainment is shown by the use of the judges from The Great British Bake Off which has been going on for many years. Both covers represent icons in history. The Bohemian Rhapsody (Queen) cover shows an icon in music history whereas The Great British Bake Off cover shows an icon in baking history. The Freddie Mercury cover represents individuality and uniqueness. These are qualities in The Big Issue that are constantly repeated to show people that being unique and different is okay because everyone is equal no matter what. This cover is a fantastic way of showing power as Freddie has his hand up (this is a large part of the brand as they believe in a hand up, not a hand out). The Big Issue are always playing on words and creating puns however they have used words (in this cover) to symbolise the movie Bohemian Rhapsody. They have done this by creating Freddie Mercury out of lyrics from Queen songs, which is a very inventive and creative way (this is typical for The Big Issue). The Great British Bake Off cover represents a community and being proud. This is emphasised in the repetition of hints of the baking icon Mary Berry who is no longer on the show. The repetition of Mary Berry shows how she was a large part of the show and also how people miss her as she has changed people's lives all around the world. Some of the plays on words include French words (like 'bouche', meaning 'mouth' in English). This relates to French cuisine/French baking. As has already been said, intertextuality is used in this cover in the bottom left-hand corner on the mug. Even though The Big Issue normally shows people of different races, this is not evident on this cover. However, there are different genders so it does link in to how the magazines from The Big Issue try to target all different audiences (e.g. age, gender, ethnicities etc.). Both magazines use bold fonts in bright colours to attract the attention of people. The colour text on The Great British Bake Off cover stands out from the rest of the colours enough for people to know that that is the main topic. On the other hand, the colour text on the Freddie Mercury cover is the same colour as the 'clothes' that Freddie is wearing however, it still stands out because it is very large and it is also on a black background 9further making it stand out). Like the other cover, this boldness is enough for people to recognise that Freddie Mercury (Rami Malek) is the main topic. This could be linked to how The Big Issue magazines stand out from normal magazines as they represent community in an equal and positive way. The light colours used for the main topics could then also be related to how The Big Issue magazines are always trying to show the positives in society.

How is Minecraft regulated in the UK

Minecraft merchandise

Monday, March 18, 2019

Minecraft essay

intro - what it is, outline of its history, explain why it has been a commercial and critical success.


Minecraft is a sandbox game that was created by a Swedish game developer called Markus Persson (also known as Notch) and later it was developed by Mojang. The game initially released o 17th May 2009. A sandbox game is when there is a virtual world which the player can explore and approach objectives freely, as opposed to a world with more linear gameplay. Therefore, Minecraft is a sandbox game as it is a virtual land where users/players can create their own worlds and experiences freely using building blocks and other resources discovered on the game. The game is only limited by the player's imagination. You can play the game in two different modes: survival and creative. Creative mode is when you are free to use any blocks/resources even if you don't have them, meaning that the resources are unlimited. However, survival mode is when you begin with absolutely nothing and you have to get it all yourself. When you begin survival mode, the typical thing to do is chop down a tree and get a crafting table etc. You have to fight off mobs in the dark (these include the spawning of zombies, skeletons, spiders etc.) in order to continue surviving. You have to be careful not to drown and also, make sure that you feed yourself otherwise you will die of hunger. There are many different servers that you can access and also there are a lot of competitive games/parkour games that have been created for anyone to access.
There are six main reasons as to why Minecraft is so popular. For one, the game is a sandbox game with infinite replayability and so it is only limited by the imagination of the player. The game has a very strong community and due to this, the player's creations are Minecraft's own marketing campaign. Minecraft is platform agnostic. This means that it can be played on everything including things like PC, laptop, tablet, phone and many more. Children have co-opted the game due to how large the fan base has become. It is not limited by genre and it also fulfils our human instinct to bring order to chaotic wilderness. This means that anyone who plays it can make/tailor everything to how they want and so they can make it (in a sense) their own 'utopian' world full of adventure and mystery.
Minecraft is playable on Windows, Mac and Linux at a cost of £20. Minecraft can also be described as 'cross platform play' which is a term used to describe the ability of a video game across different platforms such as computer/PC, XBOX, Nintendo and mobile phone. All of these platforms increase target audience and therefore increase sales and revenue, which can be reinvested back into the game in order to improve it. Overall, this benefits the producers as well as the audience.
Due to the increase in Minecraft users, Minecraft decided to add in-game currency for players to be able to use skins in game. Skins are certain looks for your character to have in order to make your account and worlds more personalised to you. These skins are both fan made and company made. Originally, there was a skin referred to as a 'Steve' skin. Many people over the years have used this skin however, many more have been made.
Twitch is a streaming service that allows people to stream and/or watch videos of people playing their favourite video games. For example, Ali-A has used this service. The Minecraft twitch channel has got 34,803 followers with a total 2,372,538 views. It is a very successful service and it is also free online and as an app on the AppStore.
Minecraft merchandise helps significantly with targeting a younger audience. By advertising merchandise like t-shirts, bags and books etc., younger children will ask their parents to buy them these things and so the Minecraft fan base will

Minecraft timeline

Video games

Types and examples:
  • RPG - Skyrim.
  • Sports - NBA.
  • Strategy - Fortnite.
  • Action/adventure - The Last of Us.
  • Construction/strategy/building - Fallout.
  • FPS - Counterstrike.
  • Simulation -
  • Horror - Left for Dead.
  • Puzzle solving - Portal.
  • Children's - Club Penguin.

Platform - different formats games are available in.
Cross media platform - games available on more than one format.
Conglomerate - e.g. Sony, large owning smaller companies.
Developer - who comes up with the game.
Digital distribution - making game available to audience.
Engine - system designed for distribution/development of video games.
PEGI - age rating system - regulation.
Designer - who brings concept of game to life.
RPG - role playing game.
MMORPG - massively multiplayer online role playing game.
FPS - first person shooter.
Event release - hyped date used heavily in marketing.
Triple A Game - highest development budgets/levels of promotions.
Open world - players free to roam in virtual game world.
DLC - downloadable content.
Sand Box - style of game allowing user to change the world around them whenever.


  • Markus Persson aka Notch (creator).
  • has sold over 150 million copies.
6 reasons why it's so popular:
  1. A literal sandbox with infinite replayability. Only limited by your imagination.
  2. A strong community. The player's creations are Minecraft's own marketing campaign.
  3. Can be played on everything (it is a platform agnostic). PC fan base.
  4. Has been co-opted by children. A household name.
  5. It is not limited by genre.
  6. It fulfils our human instinct to bring order to chaotic wilderness.

  1. How many subscriptions does Ali-A have?
  2. How many years has he been doing it?
  3. Why did he start playing Minecraft?
  4. What's he trying to do with his content?
  5. His average working day?
  6. Why might we watch YouTube?
  7. Average time on Twitch?
  8. How much does Ali-A earn?
  9. How much was Minecraft purchased for?
  10. What are 3 reasons behind Microsoft's purchase?
  11. How might this affect the game?
  12. What is Minecraft's biggest asset?

  1. 16 million.
  2. 10 years (2009).
  3. because his subscribers wanted him to.
  4. survival series (make one).
  5. YouTube, social life, hard to get evenings free due to 3 videos a day, has to plan free time. Wakes up at 12-2, sleeps 1-5.
  6. as a means of entertainment.
  7. a streaming service - 4 hours a day (average).
  8. 3 million.
  9. purchased from Mojang in 2014 for 2.5 billion.
  10. a) money - profits, gain money. b) audience that Microsoft wants - doesn't already have. c) oversee the future of it etc.
  11. hopefully positively - game will grow/improve.
  12. community (fan base).

Successes of Minecraft

Why is Minecraft is so successful?
  • strong sense of community.
  • new kind of game.
  • lots of freedom and independence.
  • reaches all ages (families etc.).
  • wide target audience.
  • platform agnostic.
  • drip-fed content.

Jean Baudrillard - Post Modernism theory + application of usefulness

Baudrillard's theory: - The idea that in postmodern culture, the boundaries between the 'real' world and the world of the medi...