Thursday, February 28, 2019

BBC Radio 1 Breakfast show group work

What was the task you were assigned?
We were assigned to create a 3 minute breakfast show to act as an audition. Meaning that we were trying to include everything in order for us to be picked to be the new breakfast show group.

Who was in your group and what was everyone's role in the task?
In the group, there was me (Regan), Tilly, Fred and Ami. We all created the script together.
What fresh ideas did you bring to the programme?
I brought the ideas of the music and parts of the celebrity/guest interaction.
Who did you interview?
We interviewed a caller in named Gertrude from Guernsey and we also interviewed David Attenborough.
What tracks did you choose and why?
We chose Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen, Don't Call Me Up by Mabel and Play by Jax Jones and Years & Years. We chose Bohemian Rhapsody as it is a classic song that everyone (of all ages) knows. Then we chose Don't Call Me Up and Play because they are both fairly popular songs that the younger audience likes.
What was the running order?
> Song
> News and weather
> Song
> Intro to game
> Song
> Phone in from a listener
> Celebrity in studio
Who is your target audience?
Our target audience is 15-29 year olds - the same as Radio 1's.
How did you relate to/attract your audience?
We played songs which the audience would be very familiar with and so this attracted the audience as they like the songs. Also, we attracted them by including them in our celebrity crush game.
How does your product fit in with the BBC/PSB remit?

What do you think you could have improved in terms of content ?
We cold have linked the song Bohemian Rhapsody with the newly released movie.
What was your initial feedback? What did others say about your production?
People said that we had very good content/information as well as when we represented our social media/phone numbers. Our phone sound when 'on the phone' to Gertrude was really good and realistic. Our 'do call us up' joke was quite funny and relatable to how comedic a breakfast show usually is. However, we need to be less happy in our voices when talking about the news/murders and we need to try to not repeat 'across the country' in our weather content. Furthermore, at one point in the show, the background music is pretty much louder than the presenters voices and so we need to quieten it down in order for the audience to hear the presenters talking/giving out information.
Identify what went well and with hindsight what would you do differently?
The speed in which we filmed everything went very well as we managed to get the filming done in the first day (as it only took us one day to complete). Also, our content was informational and fun in order to intrigue the listeners/audience. Next time, we could organise the filming a little bit more in a way that would be more effective and less stressful.  

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